Monday 16 February 2015

#‎StopFake‬ Top Fake of the Week about Ukraine

FAKE: Ukrainian Volunteer Battalion Pravyy Sektor Conducts Further Offensive Despite the Ceasefire.

On February 15, after a ceasefire was established in eastern Ukraine, a cyber attack was committed against the official site of the National Guard of Ukraine.

As a result of the hacking, false information about alleged plans of the Ukrainian Volunteer Battalion Pravyy Sektor to conduct a further offensive despite the ceasefire appeared on the site. This information was immediately spread through Russian news channels and Internet resources.

This information is plainly untruthful.

There is clear evidence of the cyber attack: the date of this report was changed from February 14 to February 15.

Moreover, the sham information contained simple linguistic mistakes in Ukrainian, suggesting it may have been written using “Google Translate”.

Such provocations are aimed at discrediting the Ukrainian Armed Forces and Volunteer Battalions. Ukraine is fulfilling all its obligations according to the Minsk agreements. The Ukrainian military strictly abide by the ceasefire.

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